Update 720

We just released the last update to match the last Dota update 720.
New game customizations ("1x1" and "3x3") are available for local games, 
they will soon appear for our other game modes.

Here's our change log:

Bear Druid: 
- Bear now has a level 1 ability, Defender. Passively causes a portion of the damage Lone Druid takes to be instead dealt to the Spirit Bear
- Replaced Rabid with Spirit Link. Grants both Attack Speed and causes a portion of the damage dealt by the Druid to restore life to his Bear.

- Winning a Challenge automatically casts Horn Blow

Light Keeper: 
- Removed Mana Leak, replaced by Light Blast.
- Reworked Light Blast into a basic ability.  Knocks targets back and deals  damage. Causes all targets to miss 70% of their attacks.
- Removed the ultimate Astral Form and the Recall skill.
- Added new ultimate Light Wisp. Causes all targets to sleep for 3 turns. Attacked units will wake up ending the effect.

- Replaced Spell Shield passive with Counter spell. Causes all spells that target you to be blocked and reflected onto the enemy.


FODA-win32-ia32.zip 60 MB
Nov 29, 2018
FODA-linux-ia32.zip 67 MB
Nov 29, 2018

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